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Clifton-Falls 1 new kindle cover

She became soaked by the wetness on the ground, the grip on the zombie’s arms slipping to leave her in tears as she desperately tried to break free. She screamed out again but a torrent of maggots dropped from the hole in the zombie’s face to land in her mouth. She tried to spit them out but was forced to swallow some as the zombie wriggled more frantically; getting closer and closer to biting her face as its toxic breath momentarily strangled her.



Clifton-Falls 2 new kindle cover

Todd nodded as he stretched. “They hadn’t a clue where I was but one of ‘em was just above me…So I grabbed its legs and pulled it into the hole before thrusting the blade into its scalp.” He puffed out his cheeks and cringed. “I twisted and pushed it until the flappin’ bastard stopped movin’.”

“And the other one?” Craig asked, now finding Todd’s description interesting. “How’d you get rid of it?”

“I climbed out of the ditch and sneaked up behind it, stabbing it in the back.” He shook his hands and squirmed. “But maggots fell out onto my hand…They were grotesque but I was in a cloudy, mad daze, with no emotion at that time.” 

“Jeez!” George added, checking his clothing for insects. “And you killed it?”



Clifton-Falls 3 new kindle cover


a sneak preview from Clifton Falls - part 3

The corpse ran at the man, leaving him no time to escape, its thin hands gripping his head to almost twist it off his neck within a second. The officers just gawped at the beast as it sunk ferocious teeth into the dead man’s face before throwing his body against a wall. Then it glared at the others, licking the blood from its lips as it growled like a deranged wolf.

“…Don’t move,” Wayne whispered, making sure his taser was working. “Or you will annoy it.”

But Danny and Anna just ran away to be chased by the fiend.

Wayne pointed his baton at it but it was quick, avoiding his swing like a rugby player holding the ball. He aimed his taser as the zombie ran along a wall on all fours, acting like a demonic animal in a movie, its speed allowing it to close in on the other officers with ease. But, as it was about to pounce, two electric probes attached themselves to its back and it fell to the floor.

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